How To Speak Convincingly - Principles of Rhetoric
Virtual or On-Site
2 h 30 min
€1500 (netto)
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This Training will be Beneficial For
Sales personel
Rhetoric mastery enhances sales influence, confidence, and credibility for more successful deals.
Team leaders
Rhetoric principles empower leaders for clear, motivating communication and effective conflict resolution.
Public Speakers
Rhetoric captivates audiences and influences for lasting impact, while understanding persuasion leads to greater influence and action.
Rhetoric enhances negotiation outcomes and builds crucial rapport.
Students & Young Professionals
Rhetoric empowers  for academic and career success, while boosting confidence in various professional settings.
Rhetoric improves writing, creating compelling content with impactful messaging.
What You Will Experience?
Delve into the wisdom of historical philosophy and witness the artistry of persuasive communication through videos featuring beloved entertainment figures
Engage in a round-robin session for group evaluation and feedback, gaining insights from diverse perspectives and approaches.
Navigate the nuanced realm of ethical persuasive speaking through insightful discussions.
What You'll Get as a Result
Persuasive speech
Proficiency in the foundational elements of persuasive speech.
Clear Understanding
A nuanced understanding of the distinction between persuasion and manipulation.
Real-world scenarios
Practical techniques for applying these building blocks in real-world scenarios.
Benefits for Professional space
Valuable opportunities to implement persuasive communication principles in your professional endeavors and beyond.
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